How do I import a new class?
From the home page click 'Import new class'. Give your class a name and enter a subject.FeaturedHow do I rename a data column?
To rename a column, right click on the heading you want to change: Enter a new name for the column and click 'Update'.Few readersHow do I add an extra column of data?
On the 'Import class' page, the spreadsheet may look small, but when you paste data into it, it will automatically expand. You can paste as much data as you like in here. At the next stage, you must give column headings to your data. You can select up to eight columns.Few readersHow do I add students to my class?
To add a new student to your class list, go to the 'Edit Class' page for that class. At the bottom of the class list, there will be an empty row: Simply type or paste your new student's data into that row. If you want to add multiple students, the table wFew readersHow do I delete a class?
There are two ways to delete an unwanted class: On the home page, click the checkbox next to the class you would like to delete, followed by the 'Delete selected' button. or... While editing a class, click the 'Delete class' button at the bottom of the page. ( readersWhy does my class/seating plan have an expiry date?
To comply with data protection laws, including GDPR, student data must be deleted once it is no longer necessary for it to be stored. Therefore, whenever a clasFew readersHow do I remove students from a class?
To remove a student from your class list, go to the 'Edit Class' page for that class. Right click on the student you wish to delete and choose 'Remove row': Don't forget to click 'Save changes' when you're done.Few readersHow do I use the name learning tool?
With the name learning tool, you can rapidly learn your student names, even before you've met them! From the home page, clickFew readersHow do I import my rosters via Clever? 🇺🇸
Navigate to the Mega Seating Plan sign in page. Click the 'Sign in with Clever' button. If required, select your school and enter your Clever credentials. Your class rosters will automatically be synced with Clever every time you sign in.. (hFew readersHow do I sync classes with Google Classroom?
Go to the 'Manage Integrations' page by clicking on your name and choosing the option. Manage integrations menu option From this page, you can manage your accounts connection to Google and/or Microsoft. If you have previously signed in using theFew readersHow can I assign students to groups?
There are two ways to assign students to groups using Mega Seating Plan: The Random Group Maker - one of Mega Seating Plans free teacher tools The Smart Group Maker - more powerful, allowing groups to be assigned automatically Random Group Maker Simply choose whether you want a certain number of groups or if you want each group to be a particular size, then click 'Make groups'. (https://storage.cFew readersHow do I sync classes with Microsoft Teams?
Go to the 'Manage Integrations' page by clicking on your name and choosing the option. Manage integrations menu option From this page, you can manage your accounts connection to Google aFew readers