How do I share a seating plan with a colleague?
If your school has a whole-school subscription, all seating plans within your school can be viewed by going to 'Seating plans' -> 'View all plans in my school' from the menu bar.
The instructions below are most useful for those without a whole-school subscription or for those who want easy access to a colleague's classes/plans from their home page.
Before you can share a seating plan with a co-worker, you must first add them as a colleague in Mega Seating Plan. This can be done from the home page. Enter the email address of your colleague's account into the box and click 'Add'.

Next, go to the seating plan you wish to share. Click the 'Sharing' button from the sidebar. On the pop-up modal, choose which colleagues you wish to have permission to access your seating plan, and whether they should be allowed 'View only' or 'Editable' permissions.

The instructions below are most useful for those without a whole-school subscription or for those who want easy access to a colleague's classes/plans from their home page.
Before you can share a seating plan with a co-worker, you must first add them as a colleague in Mega Seating Plan. This can be done from the home page. Enter the email address of your colleague's account into the box and click 'Add'.

Next, go to the seating plan you wish to share. Click the 'Sharing' button from the sidebar. On the pop-up modal, choose which colleagues you wish to have permission to access your seating plan, and whether they should be allowed 'View only' or 'Editable' permissions.

Updated on: 16/02/2023