Articles on: Platinum/Gold

How do I set up the assessments add-on?

This article is relevant to Platinum schools in the UK with the assessments add-on; this is only compatible with SIMS. If your school does not use SIMS but would like to import student assessment data, please get in touch with Rob.

The assessments add-on allows your school to import up to three aspects from SIMS for each combination of subject and year group.

Navigate to the 'Assessments' tab of the Platinum admin page.

At the top of the page, you will see three input boxes (populated with 'None' in the screenshot below). In these boxes you should enter the headings that you want to appear on the seating plans for each assessment type you will import. For example, "Target grade", "Current grade" and "Reading age".

Below you will see a list of each subject in your school and each year group for that subject. To select an aspect to match the column headings you chose in step 2, click on the input box and start typing. The search box will suggest aspects from your school.

Click the desired aspect to select it. The selection will be automatically saved and these aspects will be automatically imported during the next sync.

For Wonde schools only: You must complete an additional step on SIMS to allow your assessment data to be imported. Please click here for instructions.

Updated on: 07/11/2021